Stories for the Good and Nerdventurous

When Story meets Branding

Storytelling is as old as civilization – a way to pass on knowledge, inspire, entertain, and understand the world around us. Stories are welcomed.At it's fullest, a commercial storyteller takes copy; brand messaging; calls to action; product/service information; and the hopes of how your business can help others; and packages it all into a story that people naturally resonate with on an emotional level.It sticks, it’s digested, it’s memorable, and your message is viewed through the lens of the human experience.

“I make sure you reach your audience through emotive storytelling they’ll still be thinking about two weeks later in the middle of the night.”


Story craft and Branding can be viewed as the two sides of the Commercial Storyteller coin.Separating these services helps to find the entry point into your work. But these two unique skill sets have overlap and, when together, they can become greater than the sum of their parts.

Story-work in Story-Medium: You want a fresh pair of eyes on the narrative structure, worldbuilding and emotional beats of your story.
Story-work in Branding-Medium: You want to establish the literal story behind your brand, a product, or service you provide.

Branding-work in Branding-medium: You want to establish the emotional beats that tell the market who you are and why they should be loyal to your brand.
Branding-work in Story-medium: Your story is your product and you, the storyteller(s), are the business. You want to harness the feelings and values your creative work conjures and use them to solidify a position in the market.

[Video?] Call To Adventure...

Let's get a dialogue going!
I like to provide value from our very first meeting, and ally with you on your adventure.
Get in touch, and tell me about your work – I'd love to hear!

Verbs & Nouns

Standing w/ Good Causes

Anti-Crunching w/ Game Devs

Deep Diving w/ Nerds

Focus Pulling w/ Film Makers

Route Planning w/ Adventurers

Trailblazing w/ Writers

Branding Services

“I'm an eternal student and always learning. Present me with a new subject and I will be “conversationally adept” by the end of the day.”

Brand & Product Stories

Hyperfocus: Making communications and CTAs focused, clear and memorable through the human experience.

Campaigns That Are Clever & Desirable

Transporting Audiences // Sharing Wonder

Copywriting & Content

Hyperfocus: Maximizing the power of your words.

Understanding your audience's journey and guiding them to their destination.

Jem Pennick, Senior Marketing Manager, Design Cuts Ltd.
“Ren is a delight to work with, providing their services from medium-term content strategy to individual landing pages. They’re very thorough, and the content delivered is of the highest standard.”

Jem Pennick Photo


Hyperfocus: Tailoring copy for the English market.

Aligning Messaging With Culture

Story Services

“I can help tell your story, build your world, and show you the forest, where all you could see were trees.”

Narrative Design

Hyperfocus: giving your game “worldfeel”, making it feel real, cohesive, and abundant.

Dialogue // Quests // Lore

Character Creation // Worldbuilding

DevDuck/Ben, Indie Game Developer & YouTuber
“Though Ren and I have not worked together “officially”, we’ve shared an ongoing dialogue around my indie RPG project that’s often revived when I post a new video introducing a new feature. I’ve been grateful for the insights Ren has been kind to share - I’m often so focused on the technical aspects of building my game that story development falls to the wayside, but Ren’s polished proposals for connecting my gameplay features to a meaningful message continually keep me engaged with the overall story I want to tell with my game.”

DevDuck Logo

Script Writing

Hyperfocus: Sharpening of words for the audiovisual medium.

TV & Film Development

AV Advertisement Copy

Developmental Editing

Hyperfocus: Uncovering the potential of your manuscript.

Big Picture // Nuanced Story

Worldbuilding // Structure // Characters // Theme

R. Bala, Historical Fiction Author
“Ren has always been on hand for any creative query I might have. Whether that’s helping me make big character decisions or simply allowing me a chance to blurt out a new idea, they are always ready and raring to help me through.
They create an excellent safe space to discuss your work, and no idea is dismissed or belittled. It’s so rare to find such an intimate and yet helpful creative environment, and yet Ren achieves this every time. You never leave feeling that your work is not your own or that you can’t reject their ideas; Ren always makes it your decision how you press forward with your work.I have very much come to rely on the support that Ren provides. So much so, that my third book in my first series is dedicated solely to them. I can’t imagine coming up with a new idea for a novel and not taking it straight to Ren. I cannot recommend them highly enough!”

R. Bala Author Photo
Glenn Ward, Adventure/Entrepreneur Photo

Glenn Ward, Adventure/Entrepreneur Memoirs
“My brain was a confusion of ideas and stories I didn’t know how to tell! I sat down with Ren for a couple of hours and after talking over possible ways to structure the concepts, how to create narratives, build characters and much more I came away and immediately put pen to paper. Ren truly listens and responds to a ‘brief’ with an enlightening and inspiring approach!”

“Show me the hill you're prepared to die on. I'll help you thrive there instead.”

Nerdventurer's Name

Ren Rush


Travelling Storyteller/Mage


Inspired by tales of heroes and magic, I set out into the world to use my skills as a Commercial Storyteller to Fight For Good Causes and Seek Out Nerdy Adventures!



You summon a small clockwork tomato that immediately starts ticking. Roll Advantage on all Intelligence checks whilst the tomato remains.

Campfire Inspiration

You burst into story, inspiring those in your company. All party members gain Advantage on Charisma checks.

[Tone of] Voice Mimic

Studying another's communication style, you are able to match your tone of voice to theirs.


Common TongueCorporateJapanese*

*(at the start of this journey) Roll at Disadvantage.


“Show me the hill you're prepared to die on. I'll help you thrive there instead.”

Compromise is often a good thing. But not when it comes to your core values.


Do Good

It’s about trying. Trying to leave a positive mark on this planet and support causes that make me all warm and fuzzy inside.Honouring everyone’s value, including my own. Using authentic and honest communication. Continually asking myself, “How can I best serve my clients, and my own values?”

Be Nerdy

Planting seeds of wonder and magic. Being unapologetically enthusiastic and creating an emotional bridge between projects and the people they connect with.Understanding, everyone has their own story, their own perspective. Embracing differences and digging deeper to tell these stories on an emotionally resonant level.

Seek Adventure

Enjoying the journey. Being open to ideas and telling stories that excite, inspire, and empower people.Creating an intentional lifestyle that sustains my adventures and freedoms. Wherever possible, I try to use free and open-source software – as an exercise in minimalism and freedom – if it does not detract from the finished product.

You Rolled A Nat 20!

You Found it!

I've yet to decide what should be hidden here. If you have a suggestion, or just want to show off your inquisitive nature, get in touch!


What's Your Story?

Psst…don't forget to doubly check your email address, so I can respond.